2008年9月15日 記
実はこれと全く同じ事象が日本でも過去にあったのだ。それは18年前に遡る。1990年前後の「バブル景気」だ。バブル景気とは、水の泡のように、いずれ消えてなくなる儚い夢物語のようなもの、と言う例えから来ており、どちらかと言うと事後に付けられた名称だ。1987年頃から始まった日本のバブル景気はやはり不動産の価格上昇が好景気の主体となった。その上昇たるや、単に不動産を右から左に転売するだけで価格が倍々に跳ね上がっていくという、市場原理を無視した状況でもあった。それによって生まれた多額の"泡銭"は高級品市場へと流れた。それまでは手の出なかったような高額品が飛ぶように売れた。高級車もまたしかり。(まだ車にステイタス性が存在していた時代でもある) 特に一流外車はその対象となった。タマ数の少ないフェラーリF40などは希少価値が付き車両価格が数億円にも跳ね上がった。F40は当時まさしく「バブルの象徴」となった。(もちろんF40自身に罪はない) またフェラーリ・ディノ、デイトナ等のビンテージカーも存分に売れた。レストア修復に数百万円かけるのもざらだった。歴史上の名車を優雅に所有するという海外富豪のブルジョア生活に憧れていたのだろう。
そうした物欲派、趣味派が交錯する中、日本の軽自動車カテゴリーにおいてもバブル景気に呼応し「キワモノ」が世に登場し始める。「軽自動車2シータースポーツカー」群だ。好景気の最中、軽自動車業界も黙って指を咥えて見ている訳にはいかない、そんな思惑が見え隠れしていた。ホンダの2シーター・ミッドシップ・オープンカー「ビート」の登場を皮切りに、スズキも高級外車顔負けの3WAYトップFRスポーツ「カプチーノ」を世に送り出した。見た目も車体構成も"まんま"一流スポーツカーのそれを踏襲した。それを軽自動車枠の中で実現した。一般的に考えると日本特有の規格である「軽自動車」の存在意義は、維持費が安く、生活の足、身の回りの仕事として実用的に使えること、に尽きる。(日本にゴマンと走っている軽1BOXや働き者の軽トラックがその最たるもの) ゆえに自動車のステイタス性の観点から見ると、その対極に位置するカテゴリーである。そこにあえて実用性を度外視した2人乗りの軽自動車スポーツカーを創出した。更に言うと一般的な普通車のスポーツカーと比べても660ccしかないため遠くにドライブに行ける訳でもない。寸法制限のある車体はトランクも狭く荷物も積めない。普通車スポーツカーよりも更に実用性がなかった。では実用性を犠牲にしてステイタス性を確保できたか?と言うと、そこは"しょせん"軽自動車であって、それも無理な注文であった。今冷静に考えると実に中途半端な存在だったと思える。
そのような位置付けで登場したAZ-1であるが、それは決して見かけ倒しではなく、動力性能も最高レベルだった。当時軽自動車最強のアルト・ワークス系のF6A DOHC 4VALVE INTERCOOLER TURBOエンジンをミッドに搭載。全高1.15mの空力ボディと相まって最高速度は180km/hオーバー。エンジンが搭載されていない超軽量フロント・セクションは、ロック・トゥ・ロック2.2回転(片側に1.1回転しか回らない)のクイック・ハンドルと、ショート・ホイールベースの作用で、カミソリのような切れ込みを誇った。コーナー立ち上がりはミッドシップ荷重でLSDいらずの強力リヤ・トラクションを得た。日本のタイトなワインディングではその辺の2,000cc級スポーツカーを楽に追い回せる程の動力性能を誇った。まさしく"ライトウエイト・スポーツカー"の醍醐味を味わえる存在だった。こうしておしげもなく開発費用を投入して作られたスーパー軽は、車両価格も3車中最高額となった。150万円。高い方が偉い、そんな時代にマッチはしていた。実用性は3車中最も無視され、ラゲッジ・スペースは皆無(トランクがない)、なんと車検証を入れるグローブBOXさえもなかった。行き着くところまで辿り付いた、そんな様相を呈していた。
期待を背負い、満を持して登場・・となるはずだった。自動車の作り、性能としては何の抜かりもない、完璧なものに仕上げたのだから。真打ち最後に登場、という出番のはずだった。マツダの当時の販売店名を冠に付け「オートザムAZ-1」として華々しくデビューを飾るはずだった。しかし時既に遅し。"バブル崩壊" 世の中の状況が一変したのだ。AZ-1デビュー・イヤーの1992年、それはバブル崩壊が始まった年でもあった。1987年頃に始まったケタ外れの不動産活況は5年を経過してその構造に限界を生じ、臨界に達した時点でまさしくバブルがはじけるように一気に瓦解する。時を謳歌していた投資家は、不動産価格や株価の暴落で逆に大きな負債を抱え込むこととなる。その波はすぐに自動車市場にもやってきた。高級車は手のひらを返したように売れなくなった。実用的に使えない無駄な車も同様だ。ビンテージカーはただの"ボロい"車になった。国産スポーツカー部門はまだ被害が少ない方で、平静を保っていたが、バブルの申し子とも言うべきAZ-1だけはその波に真っ先に飲み込まれた。180度変わった景況感はAZ-1の登場を「前世の遺物」と見る。いや、見向きもされなかった。何を好き好んで150万円もする軽自動車を買う奴がいるか? そんな雰囲気が漂っていた。今風に言うとAZ-1の存在は"空気が読めていない"とでもなるだろうか。もちろんAZ-1自身に罪はない。作り出したのは我々人間だ。企画、開発は数年前から始めるもの。それをリリース時の経済状況を正確に把握して進めろと言っても、半ば無理な注文だ。ましてやバブル崩壊という天変地異のような変動など一般人には読めない。いや、エコノミストや金融機関のプロでさえも読めなかったと言わざるを得ない。読めていたら金融機関自らが潰れる程の大きな負債は抱えていないだろう。今回のサブプライムローン問題を見て思った。金融投資とはある意味プロでも一か八かのバクチをやっているようなものなのだと。こうなるとギャンブルとなんら変わることはない。
波乱の幕開けとなったAZ-1だが、それでもデビュー当初はバブル景気に直接関係ない人や、純粋に車が好きな人によってぼちぼち注文が入った。しかしそれもすぐに終わった。その後は細々と、そして健気に販売を継続するが、1995年に人知れず販売は中止となった。累計販売台数は4,000台強。同じ軽自動車のスズキ・ワゴンRが毎月1万5千台前後も売れている数字から見れば、それはまぎれもなく失敗だった。4,000台では開発コストも回収できなかっただろう。「バブル崩壊」「短期的商品」その他様々な要因があったと思う。もう一つ、付け加えて売れなかった理由を挙げるとすれば、AZ-1は日本人の"慎ましやか"、"奥ゆかしさ"の精神に合わなかったのかもしれない。その要因はガルウイングドア。さすがに普段の街中では開けて乗り降りするのは恥ずかしい、と。よっぽど個性を大事にする人にしか売れなかった。ここでただでさえ少ない顧客層を更に半減させたのではなかろうか。(実際通常のドアのカプチーノはその後も継続して売れ続けた) とにかく結果的にAZ-1は当初のその期待とは裏腹に悲運の道を辿った。
- Why was AZ-1 born, and why did AZ-1 encounter tragedy -
September 15, 2008 Reports
In 2008, the American financial institution held a large amount of debt by the subprime loan shock, and U.S.A. fell into recession. The subprime loan brought prosperity temporarily in U.S.A. The people borrowed money with home as a security, and they purchased luxury car. However, it become impossible by the collapse of the subprime loan. I watched sudden rise and fall.
there was a phenomenon just same as this in Japan. It was 18 years ago. It was " bubble boom " in about 1990. The bubble boom means that it disappears like foam immediately. it was named after. The subject of bubble economy was property investment, too. As for the rise, a price jumped up to double only to resell real estate. It was insane. A large amount of easy cash was used in a luxury market. Expensive products were selling hot cakes. The Luxury car, too. The first-class importded car became the target. Ferrari F40 prices jumped up to millions of US dollars. F40 became " the symbol of the bubble ". (Of course F40 is guiltless himself) The vintage cars sold, too. such as Ferrari Dino, Daytona. It took tens of thousands of dollars in the restoration. It would long for the life of the overseas millionaire who owned a vintage car.
In hot Japan, the domestic luxury car sold one after another, too. New Nissan Cima threatened a king Toyota Crown. This was called "Cima phenomenon" in those days. A luxury sports car appeared, too. The people bought the expensive sports car which cost 50,000 - 100,000 US dollars such as Nissan Skyline GTR (R32), and Honda NSX. It was a sports car boom such as Soarer, Prelude, Silvia, Supra, RX-7. It may be an unbelievable thing, because it isn't practical. But it was cool nothing practical utility in those days. A car expensive idly was more splendid. May it say "the aesthetics of waste"? It was unrelated to the promotion of efficiency of these days.
Of course there was the reason why a sports car and high performance car were liked purely. The revolutionary racing swimsuit "Laser Racer" of 2008 Beijing Olympics is so, too, when it pursues running performance as the car, aerodynamics, light weight, weight balance, it reaches the conclusion "sports car". It is the times when there isn't almost the entertainment such as a mobile phone, internet, and the cable TV. The hobby of people was limited. It is a fact that there are many people giving a body and soul to running fast by car. Legal or illegal implication, it is devoted to running a car fast. The sports car was an item in response to such human spirit of self-advancement.
In such status, " the heretic car " begins to appear in the field of Japanese micro car. It is a " Micro 2 seater sports car ". In the middle of boom, the micro car industry had to do anything, too. First, Honda 2 seater midship open car " Beat " appeared. Next, Suzuki 3 way top FR sports " Cappuccino " appeared. It is the real sports car at the look and body layout. It was realized in the micro car regulation. The Japanese oridinal categoly " Micro car " is a low maintenance cost car, and to use practically (Micro 1BOX car, micro truck ). It doesn't have a status symbol. It released the 2 seater micro sports car which disregarded practical utility daringly there. Engine displacement is only 660cc (40 , so it cannot go far away. Trunk space is very small, so it cannot carry luggage. Was it possible to get status ? It is impossible order because it is after all a micro car. It may have been half-finished existence.
However, it had only the aesthetics of waste. It can't the economies of mass production. The structure had many exclusive parts, so the vehicle price was large. The vehicle price of the Beat, the Cappuccino became 13,000 - 13,500 US dollars. In those days, top grade of Toyota Corolla 1500cc (90 was 12,000 US dollars. Eunos Roadster 1600cc (97 was 15,000 US dollars. It wasn't the price of the micro car anymore. Was it " a symbol of the petit wealth " in those days? It may have been interested the feeling of radio control toys driving. Then Japanese had surplus energy, and could have bought it. The manufacturer estimated to be able to sell.
The Beat and the Capputino won popularity and sold as expected. It was successful, or I think it could recover the cost. It thinks that there was the reason that sold for others. It was a prosperity, however the people who didn't need to buy Ferrari or Lamborghini, they may have enjoyed with the micro sports car. The person who are caring family amused himself by micro sport car. The micro sports car surely had a real sports car taste, so just fit to their minds. If they bought it as a second car, it was no-problem even if nothing utility. The parody concept might be a hit.
But the popularity doesn't continue long such a concept. Second car situation is an uncertain ground, and hardly usefull first car, too. Popularity effect was small. Such like it had ended only the skimming and innovator layer in the segmentation strategy. Even by the upper layer was possible to exist by the grace of the bubble boom.
An introduction became quite long, it is the appearance of AZ-1 finally more. AZ-1 is the car of Mazda which was developed aiming at the last champion. The development may have led from the other car, as a result, it appeared last. The development concept gets to stand out as if it surpasses the two rivals. The door adopted gull wing door (jumping up above) just like the Lamborghini Countach. It had the structure of full monocoque body like a racing car. Body panel were all FRP Panels. It was an amazing spec. If two rivals are category of sports car, AZ-1 attained to super car. (but of course, it's a micro car parody)
Also, it is not specious, the machine performance was a very high. The most powerful engine in micro car class " F6A DOHC 4VALVE INTERCOOLER TURBO by the ALTO WORKS " was shipped to mid of body. Body hight was a only 1150mm (45.3 in), Max speed was 180km/h (112mph) over with aerodynamics body. Handling were very quick response with ultra light front section and quick handle which ratio is lock to lock 2.2 rotation ( one side rotation is only 1.1 ) and short wheel base. Acceleration in winding were very sharply with mid shipped traction no less than built-in LSD (Limited Slipp Diff ) car. It was the best performance in tight winding field in Japan. It was a real "Light weight sport car". In this way, the micro super car which had invested abundantly in development costs was became a top vehicle price. It was 1,500,000 yen (14,000 dollars) . Expensive price car is great, such the times. It was ignored utility. nothing trunk room. nothing glove box. It's OK in those days.
It should appear dramatically. Because performance was a perfect. Main event player, it should be it. "Autozam AZ-1" ([Autozam] Mazuda's sales symbol name) should make a debut brilliantly. However, it missed an opportunity. The status of Japan was changed completely. AZ-1 debut year 1992 was a bubble burst year. The real estate activity which appeared at 1987 occured contradiction passed 5 years. when it reached criticality, it broke at one go. The speculator in bubble boom world had a big debt with real estate and stocks crash. The influence came soon to automobile market. Expensive cars cannot be sold. Not useful cars, either. Vintage cars were became ordinary old car. Domestic sports car had kept to sell somehow or other, however AZ-1 which like a child of bubble was swallowed at once. AZ-1 seemed "The relics in previous existence" in the reverse business conditions. Is it possible to be buying the car which is now by 1,500,000 yen (14,000 dollars) ? It had such an atmosphere. Of course, AZ-1 is guiltless. it's a human being that it created. The development is, beginning at several years before. Even if read the time to sell, it's an inpossible order. Moreover the change which like falling from heaven to hell at bubble breakdown. Even an economist and the professional of financial institution weren't able to predict this. If it was able to guess, it doesn't have the big debt as financial institution destroyed himself. Even a professional of the finance investment seems to do gambling.
Disturbance opening, however at debut first, the order entered with the people who were unrelated to bubble boom, and the people who like a car purely. However it ended immediately. After that it barely continued sale, but it ended in 1995. Total numbers of sales is 4,000 or more. It was a bungle compared with "SUZUKI WAGON-R" which delivered 15,000 cars every month. At 4,000 cars, cost will not been able to be collected. "Collapse of bubble boom", "Short term product", and someone might be happened. It may not have matched Japanese "courteousness" simply. Still when it can't ride the gull-winged car in the city. Anyway, as a result AZ-1 traced the way of the misfortune.
About 16 years from that days, AZ-1 lives today with AZ-1 fan. Now same character of micro sports car "Daihatsu Copen" is delivered and have a little favorate. I think that this things are good massage for micro sports cars in those days. A car and people who lived in a bubble, it may be the happy person who spent the stormy, dramatic life.
【図1】国産2ドア専用車 1981-2007 新車販売(登録)台数推移
出典)社団法人 日本自動車販売協会連合会(自販連)
【表1】2ドア専用車 1981-2007 通称名別販売台数、年別販売台数
【表2】2ドア専用車 1981-2007 年間販売台数 通称名別ベスト10